Other jobs done during the workday: installation of interior doors, trim in two dorm rooms, waterproofed two showers (that we're tiling now), sheetrocked dormer in Trapline Lodge dorm room and put up sound board in same room.
Earlier this week, the guys torched the burn pile and tended to it for a full day, until it smoldered out. They also helped Tim install the enormously heavy concrete counters for the two dorm baths. Yesterday, Tim, Karol, Marceaux and the guys started the tile border in the two bathrooms.
Last week Molly and Karol went to Second Harvest in Omro to get food for our food bank. Those trips always make for quite long days. They left at 7:30 and got home about 4:00. Then the guys helped unload the food so that it could be put away, which took til about 6pm.
Molly and Jen have been doing brushing alot of polyurethane. They put two coats on the 5 sets of bunkbeds and they currently have one coat on the walls in the dorm room in Trapline Lodge. The guys started sanding those walls today so that tomorrow they can put the second and final coat on.
Chrissy got the newsletter done. Many at Camp Daniel contribute with articles, and Karol does a lot of the proofreading, then Chrissy brings it all together. It'll go to the printer this week.
Tony's been spending time building new puppets and costumes for this summer. Our "Trust" theme will be taking on a superhero feel, so he's making stuff to go with that theme. Karol's been working on crafts for camp, plus a few other minor camp things that are good to get done early.
Last Saturday, the Camp Daniel staff descended upon the Kelly's house unannounced. Tim, and his friend, Mike Waldrop were planning to work on electrical stuff for the basement that they're finishing (they need one more bedroom for the kids). They weren't planning on the rest of us, which made it even more fun! We came packing tools and lunch. We got lots more done than they had originally hoped and we're planning another Kelly work day this Saturday. We all feel like poor Tommy has been living in the hallway long enough!