Saturday, March 28, 2015

Progress on The Barn

Each day, work continues in The Barn. Karol has been busy putting up burlap bags, covering the walls. Tony and the guys have been busy wiring more electrical and hanging lights. They have also been putting up barn accents and decorations.

We had one volunteer come help this past Monday, which was a great help. If you'd like to come help on a non scheduled workday, there is plenty of work to do! Please let us know ahead of time and we'll have something for you to do! email or call the camp office at 715-757-3880.

We have a scheduled workday on May 9th! 8am - 4pm, lunch provided! Jobs for all skill levels! Let us know if you can make it so we can have the right job for you. Watch the blog, Facebook, and for more scheduled workday dates.

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